A Network of Student Bitcoiners 

Bitcoin Student
Qoutation Mark

Our mission is to foster a global network of Bitcoin students and clubs, connecting students with opportunities and resources within the Bitcoin ecosystem, and promoting education, collaboration, and participation.

Qoutation Mark

The Bitcoin Students Network is a “one-stop shop” for students interested in learning about Bitcoin and contributing to the space. We aim to connect students to resources (logistical, educational & financial), opportunities (educational, job & skills-based), and importantly, to each other.

The network acts internationally to


Coordinate & support the creation of student clubs dedicated to Bitcoin


Provide strategic support to scale existing clubs


Foster communication and exchange of resources between different clubs and Bitcoin educational initiatives


Act as a bridge between students/universities and Bitcoiners/companies in the Bitcoin industry


Provide financial support to BSN-associated clubs

Our Vision

We aim to strengthen Layer 0, the social/human layer of Bitcoin. This Network of students and clubs will act as a point of contact between students and the Bitcoin industry (developers, companies, evangelists/educators, investors, etc.), and it will enhance the foundation of new student groups and clubs worldwide. It will be beneficial not only for students who will more easily find contacts in the space for connection and advisory, but also for companies and projects in the space as they'll have a pool of talented, educated students to recruit from and be able to offer opportunities to.

We believe that sharing resources and knowledge can enhance the activities of individual clubs and make them more efficient while maintaining their independence. These resources will benefit their members, universities, and Bitcoin companies, as well as the development and adoption of this technology in general. We want to fill the gap that plagues academic pathways concerning learning the skills needed to work in Bitcoin and facilitate meetings between students and companies.


Core Values

We are a peer-to-peer network that is decentralized but not disorganized. We have a founding team, an (industry) Board of Advisors, and a (student) Board of Advisors.


We believe in: 

Freedom Through Knowledge

Individuals' freedom is the most important thing and we believe that to obtain freedom, knowledge is essential. Based on this consideration, we focus on Bitcoin education to teach students why it's time to build a more inclusive, truthful, and honest world.

Open Source

The activities of BSN and all BSN-affiliated nodes take place in an open-source and non-profit logic. 

Proof of Work

Exert energy to do your own work; protect your integrity. Don't stake your worth/ability on another's words or actions. 

First Principles Thinking: Don't Trust, Verify

Bitcoin restores your agency. Don't rent out your decision-making and thought-forming abilities; form your own opinions and do your own research. 

Low Time Preference

Commit to thinking long-term, to resisting short-term gratification, and to your curiosity. 

Cypherpunk Vision

Awareness about the totalitarian drift of the fiat system unites nodes, fighting against mass surveillance and the abuse of power by governments in defense of individual freedoms and human rights. “We know that…a widely dispersed system can't be shut down” (h/t A Cypherpunk's Manifesto). 

Our steps to run the Network (h/t Satoshi)


New resources & opportunities are broadcast to all nodes


Each node collects new resources & opportunities into their club/community


Each node works on doing its proof-of-work for its club/community


When a node does its proof-of-work, it broadcasts its efforts to all nodes.


Nodes accept the work only if all resources & opportunities in it are valid and valuable to them. 


The founders & board express their acceptance of the nodes' work by providing funding to them and continuing to work on creating the next club/ community in the Network and growing the Network's resources for all. 

Ways to Get Involved



Organize/speak on a panel, host a Twitter space, provide financial sponsorship, donate books, equipment, resources, etc., offer mentorship and expertise, share internship and job opportunities, lead workshops and training, offer networking opportunities, brainstorm collaborative projects…anything you can think of

Get Started


Join the Network! Fill out the form below to become a node, receive support in starting or growing your University's Bitcoin Club, and access educational/ job opportunities. Or, to simply connect with other Bitcoiners

Join Us


Your contribution, no matter the size, is most appreciated. Bitcoin Student Network is a 501(c)(4), and funds will be used to support our nodes and operational expenses. We will be sharing reports of how the sats are used

Our Resources

Rest-easy! The Bitcoin Students Network aims to knock down barriers to creating student Bitcoiner communities, and we've done the heavy lifting. Coming soon will be resources under the following categories:


  • Club "start-up" guides & best practices
  • Partnerships w/ Industry & Individuals


  • Meeting plans & slides
  • Recommended learning


  • Funds to support Club activities
  • Assistance with attending Bitcoin-related events

Meet Our Founders

Arsh Molu

Arsh Molu

Co-founder at the Bitcoin Students Network

Promoting Financial Freedom at The Human Rights Foundation

Ella Hough

Ella Hough

Co-founder at the Bitcoin Students Network

Bitcoin @ Cornell - Robert S. Harrison College Scholar Program | Founder @ Cornell Bitcoin Club | Project Lead @ GenB


Advisory Board

General Advisors

Jeff Booth

Jeff Booth

Entrepreneur, Technology Leader, General Partner at egodeath.capital, and Best Selling Author

Michael Rihani

Michael Rihani

Director of Product, Coinbase


Finance & Operations

Abubakar Nur Khalil

Abubakar Nur Khalil

Bitcoin core contributor | CEO & CTO at Recursive Capital | Board Member and interin CEO at ₿trust,

Lucas Ferreira

Lucas Ferreira

Cofounder and Executive Director at Vinteum | Organizer of Satsconf


University Outreach

Andrew Bailey

Andrew Bailey

Associate Professor at Yale-NUS College

Burak Tamaç

Burak Tamaç

Adjunct Professor at Montclair State University


Bitcoin Community Relationship

Caralie Chrisco

Caralie Chrisco

Program Director at Wolf

Lisa Neigut

Lisa Neigut

Founder Base58


Career Development & Opportunities

Eric Podwojski

Eric Podwojski

Co-Founder of Bitcoin Talent Co.

Martell Fox

Martell Fox

Founder of Layer 4 Talent | Advisor at Librería de Satoshi | Advisor at Apollo


Club Development & Support 

Chris Smith

Chris Smith

Head of Relations at BTC Inc.



Founder of Entropy
